Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Social networks are newsmakers!
Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter are no longer just a means of passing the news. Quite frequently, they ARE the news. In 2009 alone so many funny or frankly weird events which had something to do with social networking took place.
Police reforms
According to the statistics, British police is considered to be the best in Europe and one of the best in the world. But there is still room for improvement for any police force. It was interesting for me to compare the changes the British police need to those that ideally the Russian police would have to undergo. Remarkably, improvements due to be implemented next year for British Bobbies include reduction of helicopters, upbranding of software used by police forces etc.
Alan Alda - "Never have your dog stuffed"
Usually biographies are interesting in themselves just because of the scale of personality or the events described in the book. This is not an exception. Alan Alda is a perfect person for a biography. Actor in numerous plays and movies, among them the superpopular TV-series M*A*S*H*, playwright, director, writer, the host of the TV programme on science, and all this judging by the book he did with vivid interest, ingenuity and passion for the job - it's enough for the most fascinating life.
Add to this the style in which the book is written. Wry humour, colourful descriptions that help the reader create in his imagination any picture Mr. Alda draws, merciless scrutiny of his own thoughts, opinions, actions - in an amazing way Mr. Alda's autobiography is so subjective as in sharing the innate emotions of the writer, revealing so much of himself in this razor-sharp, smart, very emotional writing of his but at the same time as objective as humanly possible because every idea is thoroughly analysed before acknowledging its right to exist, every mistake is harshly criticised, every dellusion mocked.
As I read on, Alan Alda's biography gradually stopped just being a biography for me and melted into a philosophical novel based on real events. It's the kind of writing that forces you to forget daily trifles and relish the pleasure of pure thinking or pure feeling. It's the kind of writing that connects you with the writer, makes you feel everything he writes about is relevant to you and to an awful lot of other people. It's fascinating, profound and inspirational, in other words, a must read.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
From prime minister to vampire
Recently I watched New Moon in cinema. Frankly speaking I didn’t like this saga at all, and the only reason I went there was Michael Sheen, who played vampire Aro in this film.
I think that Sheen is a wonderful actor and I enjoy all his works. First time I saw him in the film “Wilde”. I was so impressed by his acting that I decided to find out more about this gifted actor. I watched “Queen”, “Underworld” and “Music within” and got addicted to his acting.
The thing I like about this actor most is that he can play absolutely different characters from vampire and werewolf to prime minister and man with cerebral palsy. There are billions of actors who became famous for some role and can’t move from it. They always portray similar characters and even if they try to play someone else you can clearly see where they are from. I’ll never underestimate such actors, but I think that those who can play different roles are definitely geniuses.
For example, when I watched New Moon with my friend, it took me half an hour to assure her that Tony Blaire in Queen and Aro are the same actor. She didn’t believe me and kept saying that they are absolutely different.
As to his role in Music within I don’t have enough vocabulary to express my emotions. He portrayed a person with cerebral palsy. I was amazed by his performance. I didn’t see an actor, who portrayed a person with such a disease, I saw a man with cerebral palsy living his life. At some moments I forgot that Sheen didn’t have cerebral palsy.
So I told myself, don’t relax! There are many films with Michael Sheen that you haven’t seen yet: Unthinkable, Frost/Nixon, Bright young things, Kenneth Williams: Fantabulosa and many others.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
We chose a cafe in Harrow-on-the-Hill where we could have different kinds of food at reasonable prices. Having placed ourselves comfortably at the corner table, we headed to the cashier's to make an order. The cashier greeted us with enthusiasm and with a pleasant smile asked us... to show her our IDs.
My friend at first didn't even understand what we were required to do since we were not ordering an ounce of alcohol, and had to ask her to repeat her words. "You should show me your IDs otherwise you will have to leave this place", she said in an unconcerned voice. We asked for an explanation. She said that according to the rules if anyone stays at their cafe after 8 p.m. they have to show their IDs.
We were persistent and decided to try all the means to stay there. We insisted that we were Master course students and had our student cards on us. No result. OK, we were not having any alcohol, just a bowl of soup or chicken or anything else equally innocent. No way. The cashier was polite, understanding but she rejected our pleas to let us stay.
We left the cafe boiling just like the soup that we didn't have. It was only upon coming home and giving a second thought to this irritating situation I realised that it's silly to blame the staff at the cafe. They were just doing their job and doing it well. It's just the system designed, as I understand, to prevent adolescents from alcohol abuse by forbidding them to buy it at all. Which would be a great idea if it worked.
Unfortunately, the statistics of the increasing alcohol consumption among the young in the UK say the opposite. The number of teenagers and young people suffering from alcohol abuse is not diminishing drastically, as it would be expected, but is still disturbingly high. So unfortunately, age constraints and ID control work only to a certain degree. Most frequently, it results in chasing away potential mature and self-controlled customers (just like us *smiling self-complacently*) who just come to have a meal and even if they do have alcohol drinks it's mostly social drinking, for the sake of company, and not binge drinking, for the sake of drinking.
This is a complicated problem that can't be solved by simple measures. Probably, more
education on alcohol consumption at schools and first of all in families would be a good initiative, although of course it's difficult if not impossible to control the implementation of these ideas. But I still do believe that by forbidding alone no earth-shattering results would be achieved. People can be very ingenuous when they really crave for something, and therefore teenagers can find ways to get alcohol without actually buying it themselves.
Probably, a better idea of fighting this vice of heavy drinking would be promoting a healthier lifestyle, making it fashionable to look and feel healthy. Until dead-drunk celebrities rolling out of bars and doing crazy things remain role models for adolescents, unhealthy alcohol-consuming culture will blossom. And no strict regulations are likely to change this.
So who is the president?

I decided to take a good look at the Berlusconi’s scandal, when some mad man broke his nose. I looked through different papers, when the Daily Mail attracted my attention.

Frankly speaking, I don’t understand what this situation actually means. The Daily Mail is a middle market newspaper, but I can’t believe that unqualified people can work there. Somehow I think that maybe they just want to show their attitude to Russia? I feel some kind of disrespect in this action.
I really hope that it was due to some technical problem and they will edit this article as soon as possible.
Chaos at airports

Yesterday, passengers at Heathrow, Gatwick and other airports had even more reasons to be unhappy about the weather. Unexpectedly large amount of snow had caused delays and cancellations of flights. Because of the unpredictability of the weather passengers were informed about cancellation of their flights at an extremely short notice, often after they had already completed the registration process, sometimes even after they had boarded their planes.
During an hour that we spent queuing at the registration (yes, I was lucky enough to spend only one hour in the queue!), an Italian lady standing next to me shared with me her sad story. "This is my fifth attempt to fly to Milan", she said with a sigh. "I've been trying since Sunday. On one of the flights we had even boarded the plane and had waited there for four hours when they announced that we're not flying anywhere". A young guy standing ahead of us turned and nodded sympathetically. "I undestand you so well! I've only spent 20 hours at the airport trying to leave this country. I hate planes, airports, snow. Hell, I hate everything by now!" he exclaims. A German girl joined in the heated discussion on such a (seemingly!) neutral subject as weather. "My flight wasn't cancelled but I still wasn't able to board the plane", she said in a resigned way. Quizzical expressions on our faces prompt her to elaborate. "Well, the registration queue took so long that I actually was late for my own plane although I was on time - precisely two hours before the flight. Just as they recommend us", she explained.
After hearing all this, I experienced a slight panic attack. I looked around. The queue ahead of me seemed endless, passengers from all the cancelled flights accumulated, and it took a long time to deal with each passenger's query since most of them had already rebooked at least once. People were understandably nervous and angry, the airport staff did their best to help but there was little they could do. I felt that the British weather that we so often complain of had decided to take its cruel revenge on us, and, just as the BA strikers, had chosen the least appropriate moment for its display of character. Right before Christmas when so many people can't wait to join their loved ones - what could be worse?
I was really fortunate to be able to make it on time: with lots of running and rushing, and sweating, and being dangerously close to a nervous break-down. But I finally got on my plane and arrived in the cold snowy Moscow. And for the first time I thought just how lucky we Russians are to have our snowstorms and snowdrifts as an everyday phenomenon in winter. Being used to this kind of weather, Moscow airports worked in their usual regime, and I even didn't mind gloomy faces of the airport staff and was almost happy to see too insistent cabbies outside the Domodedovo airport.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Yet so many people who are not in the profession and unfortunately some who are in it stick to the view that teaching is all about forcing into the heads of lazy, dumb individuals things they do not care about, using stick-and-carrot method. Good marks are carrots and a possible failure in the exams can be used as sticks. It's amazing how some people don't accept the very idea that their pupils may actually be intelligent, have their own way of learning and may think in the patterns slightly different from the teachers'.
I love this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson on teaching: "Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee". For what indeed is a teacher who does not open doors for his pupils? I would like to add not only open the doors but hold them open long enough for them to enter.
For there will always be some who will walk in smoothly and confidently, whereas for others every step takes an effort, still others may stop hesitantly at the porch and get pushed away by a hurrying crowd of their more decisive peers. And a good teacher is the one who manages this crowd, the one who is able to listen through the cacophony of voices, discern each and every one of them and tune in to it.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Street racing a la russe

Russia has been long known to foreigners as a land of cold and communism.
However, at the moment a new stereotype is forming in the minds of Western observers.
Money, money, money
"Russians are so rich!", exclaims my English friend emphatically. My raised eyebrows vividly witness my disagreement. With one-fifth of the population according to the official statistics (and one-third as per independent sources) living below the poverty line, my friend's point of view is nothing short of ludicrous. Although he probably has his reasons to think so.
Oligarchs make their generous contribution to the image of a Russian person in the eyes of a foreigner. There are quite a few things they are notorious for to the Western public - buying famous football clubs, enjoying luxurious villas on the Cote d'Azure, having fun in Courchevel
Oddly enough, no charity activities or environment protection concerns are on top of their list of priorities.
But tycoons apparently feel it's important to give a good education to their children. "Golden" kids are often sent to study to obscure but posh sounding places where they appear when they are free from buying posh cars or breaking 1,000 dollar champagne bottles (believed to be a good omen in Russia although one would normally break just a couple of glasses at a marriage or a similar event). Obviously, such intense studies take their toll and kids have to unwind, no doubt about that. Street racing along the banks of Lake Geneva seems to have been one of those activities.
Once in Geneva

Quiet Swiss roads apparently are not used to youngsters speeding by in their Lamborghinis.
The funny thing was that after a bit of contemplating the court ruled that the 22-year-old student who had violated the speed limitations (there were repair works on this part of the road) and who had alcohol detected in his blood was not guilty. The German was obviously in the wrong because he had followed the traffic regulations. It happens.
To be continued...
If this story is not nauseating enough there is a development to it. Journalists who covered the situation were faced with the strict censorship. The interviewees became edgy and nervous and insisted on taking away their most expressive quotes, most likely after the conversation with the protective Dads of the naughty kids. Editors pressured by "the omnipotent" of the Russian society had their writers soften the tone of their articles to avoid the risk of hurting feelings of the sensitive tycoons.
I had a chance to read the draft versions of some articles and to compare them with what readers saw in the papers soon afterwards, and didn't know how to react. Using Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov's quote, "all of this would have been funny had it not been so sad".
We're all in the same train
people dead and over a hundred injured. Not to mention an immeasurable number
losing the scarce remains of their trust in the government's ability to provide safety
for its people.
What exactly has happened? Who is to blame for it? And most importantly, how to ensure that
nothing of the kind will ever happen again?
Media coverage
Journalists presented completely different versions of the crash. If one compares an angle, tone
and even wording of various articles and news bulletins on the subject, one probably wouldn't
believe that they all cover the same event. The government TV channel "Vesti" for instance
hailed the accident as terrorist attack based on the evidence by the train driver who claimed to
have heard the sound of explosion exactly before the accident. The opposition radio station
"Svoboda" sticks to the version of an accident caused by the lamentable condition of the Russian
Opinions of experts
The evidence found at the place of the crash is contradictory. On the one hand, seven
kilogrammes of trotyl and a two-metre-deep funnel make a terrorist attack a likely version.
Vladimir Yakunin, the head of the Russian Railways Company (RZD), compared this Nevsky
Express accident to the one that had taken place in August 2007 and immediately declared it a
terrorist attack. However, Evgeny Kulikov, the leader of the Trade Union of Russian Railway
workers, doesn't agree. According to him, the wreckage of the 60-tonne-train would inevitably
cause a deep funnel in the ground near the railway. He is also wondering why it should be three
rear carriages that derailed if according to the driver explosion occurred at the front of the train.
People's reactions
But the most heated discussions take place in the Russian blogosphere. Relatively free from the
government control or censorship, users express a multitude of opinions. You can come across
any point of view here. From a passionate attack on restless Islamist terrorists to a bitter critique
of the Russian Railways management to heart-felt condolences to the families of the victims to
hateful comments about the government's involvement in organising the explosion to scare
people and to force them into supporting the "stable and secure" current regime.
Whatever happened to the Nevsky Express, we can only guess and pray. Accidents as well as
terrorist attacks occur in many countries, it is no longer a flat-earth news. But what is sad and
frightening is the fact that in a similar situation citizens of other states would pounce upon
Al-Qaeda or another terrorist organisation and Russians wouldn't even know who to blame. An
increasing number of people would turn an accusing finger to their own government.
But hush! They would do it very-very cautiously. Who knows how many fast trains will never
reach their destination...