One of the things you’d first notice about Luis Dominguez Pecero is that he is inseparable from his head phones. One can argue that lots of young people enjoy listening to music but not for everybody music is a lifeline. “Music is my passion, the air I breathe. And without air we suffocate”, Luis says in this lilting melodic accent of his.
Luis is interested in working in musical journalism. According to him, there is a tune for every mood, a piece of music can often say more than a hundred words. For him the tune for happy days is “Counting down the days” by Sunfreakz and the sad days music is “Fountain” by Clint Mansell.
When asked if a person feeling depressed perhaps should listen to upbeat tunes to feel better, he just smiles and shakes his head: “If you catch the mood you should keep it”. From his point of view, sadness and other so called negative emotions can prove to be beneficial as they give food for thought and help to discover new things about oneself.
“Here in Great Britain I often listen to traditional Mexican music when I feel nostalgic”, Luis admits. He especially likes cumbia, it is energetic dance music, which uses timbales, guitars, trumpets and percussions, or bolero which is more of romantic music”.
In relationships with people Luis thinks that “everything starts with a smile”. The qualities that appeal to him in people are friendliness, positive approach and goals in life. He dislikes narrow-minded and materialistic people.
Even his handwriting gives away his optimism and creative streak as he writes the names of his favourite songs in his neat, well-rounded but slightly childlike manner, with letters barely connected to each other. Luis confirms this with a smile: “Yes, I am still in the process of creative development, still searching for things that will fulfil me and make me happy”.